(Erba, 1976)

Alice Schivardi studied at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts in Milan and lives between Rome and New York. Her research focuses on collecting stories, establishing and exploring human relationships, as well as those with other living beings, things, and environments.

Her work is expressed in performaces, installations, and the distinctive embroidery designs: works on vellum, on which she sews different subjects, both natural, anthropomorphic and religious. She also devotes herself to photography, and in this regard is significant the solo exhibition project Ero Figlia Unica, (Pescheria Pesaro Visual Arts Center, Pesaro, 2015).


Her other solo exhibitions include: her first solo show in Rome Equazione Uno (Galleria Apart,Rome,2012); Wormholes, (El Museo de Los Sures in collaboration with International Studio & Curatorial Program, New York, 2014); J'étais fille unique, (Natoli Mascarenhas, Principality of Monaco, 2016); La vita è una ruota (Una Vetrina in collaboration with The Independent Project- MAXXI, Rome, 2019); A suon di ali (Monumento Naturale Palude di Torre Flavia, Ladispoli, Rome, 2019); A-Bee-C (Fourteen Artellaro, Lerici, La Spezia, 2021); and UNA_Alice in Chains, (Tower gallery, Todi, 2023).

Since 2007 she has taken part in several group exhibitions, including: Welcome Remembering (American Academy, Rome, 2008); Il Caos, incerto e necessario (collateral event at the 53rd Venice Biennale, Venice, 2009); ECC (Museo del Vittoriano, Rome, 2012); Multiplicity (Mixed Greens Gallery and at the UnionDocs Center for Documentary Art, New York, 2014); On the tip of my tongue (Palazzo Trinci, Foligno, 2014); Corpo a corpo, (Galleria Nazionale, Rome, 2017), Your Love/To Your Love, (Galleria Lia Rumma, Naples, 2018); Manifesta 12# (Palermo, 2018); Francesco Bruno C. / Alice Schivardi, (Fourteen Artellaro, Lerici, La Spezia, 2022).

She is also the winner of several awards, such as Premio Cairo, (Palazzo Reale, Milan, 2016); Maretti Prize for Contemporary Art (Museo Pan, Palazzo delle Arti, Naples, 2013), the 1st Prize/Prize Videominuto (Centro per l'Arte Contemporanea Lugi Pecci,Prato, 2008).