Donatella Spaziani

(Ceprano, 1970)

Donatella Spaziani graduated at Fine Arts Accademy of Rome in 1993. While mainly dedicated to drawing and photography, her work reaches out to the media of sculpture, performance and installation. A returning theme in her research is a form of intimate relationship between space and the body, which emptied from its vitality, embraces the surrounding space in a kind of definitive and fragile abandonment. She wins different scholarships: in 2001, Omi International Artists Residency (New York); in 2003,  La Seine at École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux Arts (Paris). In 2008 she partecipates at XIX Quadriennale in Rome and in 2010 at Universal Expò in Shanghai. In 2013 Donatella Spaziani takes part at Nell’acqua capisco exhibition, collateral event part of 55° Biennale in Venice. Currently, one of her works, included in the art collection of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, is exhibited in a series of shows in major european capitals.

Among her most important solo and group exhibitions we can mention: Insieme Concertante (Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Copenaghen, Roma, 2021 - 2022); Anatomie (Chini Museo, Firenze, 2019); Donatella Spaziani – Hdemia (MACRO, Roma, 2019); Giorgio Bonomi racconta l’Archivio Italiano dell’Autoritratto Fotografico (Rocca Roveresca, Senigallia, 2018); Corporale. Tomaso Binga - Donatella Spaziani (Galleria Erica Ravenna, Roma, 2017 - 2018); Donatella Spaziani, Italian Cultural Institute of Zagreb (2014) and Strasbourg (2015); You can’t go home again, La Nube di OOrt, Rome (2014); 15 Maggio, DAFNA Home Gallery, Naples (2013); Fleeting Beauty, Galleria Rusconi, Milan (2011); Fuga, text by Achille Bonito Oliva, Impronte Contemporary Art, Milan (2009); Ouvres, Gallerie AP4, Geneva (2006); Le folie de la Villa Medicis, France Accademy, Rome (2001); Open Museum Open City curated by H. Hanru, MAXXI Museo nazionale delle Arti del XXI Secolo, Rome (2014); Storie italiane curated by Lea Mattarella, Laura Cherubini, ArteFiera, Bologna (2013); Omaggio a Graziella Lonardi Buontempo curated by D. Lancioni, C. Casorati, P. Pistagnesi, PAN – Palazzo delle Arti Napoli, Naples (2012); Ente Comunale di Consumo. 43 artisti si interrogano sulla memoria, Complesso del Vittoriano, Rome (2012); Invito all’opera #7 curated by A. B. Oliva, Galleria Il Ponte Contemporanea, Rome (2010); Battiti tra diamanti e diamanti, Complesso Monumentale San Michele a Ripa, Rome (2009)”; Playlist. Il silenzio è oro, neon>campoase, Bologna (2009); Interiors curated by A. B. Oliva, Oredaria Arti Contemporanee, Rome (2008); UP-ART, The Gallery Apart, Rome (2008).