Piero gilardi

(Torino, 1942)

Piero Gilardi was born in Turin in 1942 where he currently lives and works. In 1963 he made his first solo show, Macchine per il futuro. Two years later he realized the first works made of polyurethane foam, the Nature Carpets exhibited in Paris, Brussels, Cologne, Hamburg, Amsterdam and New York. In 1968 he interrupted the production of works to take part in the elaboration of the new artistic trends of the late 1960s: Arte Povera, Land Art, Antiform Art. During this period, he took part in the realization of the first two international reviews of these new trends at the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam and the Kunsthalle in Berne. In 1981 he returned to work in the art world, exhibiting installations accompanied by creative workshops with the public. From 1985 he began artistic research with new technologies through the elaboration of the IXIANA Project which, presented at the Parc de la Villette in Paris, prefigures a technological park in which the general public could experiment with digital technologies in an artistic sense. During the 1990s he developed a series of interactive multimedia installations with intense international activity.

Among his solo and group exhibitions we can mention: (Gallery Ileana Sonnabend, Paris, 1967); (Galleria Sperone, Milan, 1967); Walker Art Center (Minneapolis, 1968); Terrae Motus, Grand Palais (Paris, 1987); Galleria Sperone Westeater (New York, 1991); Biennale di Venezia (Venice, 1993); Il sentimento del 2000 (Triennale di Milano, Milano, 2000); Natura espansa (Galleria Poleschi Arte, Milan, 2016); Nature Forever (MAXXI, Roma, 2017); Tappeti Natura, (Galleria Biasutti & Biasutti, Turin, 2017); The Szechwan Tale: Theatre and History, (1st Anren Biennale, Anren, China, 2017).