Tomaso BingA
Tomaso Binga (Salerno, 1931) is a poet and performer, leading representative of Sound Poetry.
Biography and Work
Tomaso Binga (Salerno 1931), stage name of Bianca Pucciarelli Menna, artist, poet, and performer, lives and works in Rome.
In 1971, Tomaso Binga began an artistic and poetic experimentation centered on verbal-visual writing. In the first phase of her career, she worked with “desemantized” writing, an apparently dysfunctional and non-communicative graphic sign, presenting his first exhibition in 1974 at the L'Obelisco Gallery in Rome.
In 1974, Tomaso Binga began his performative actions: the first is Parole da distruggere, parole da conservare. (Words to be destroyed, words to be preserved). The following years will be full of cultural activities and significant exhibitions: in 1976 she will complete a series of works that will remain a cornerstone of his artistic research, such as her “Scrittura Vivente”: letters of the alphabet formed with her own female body and in particular her famous wallpapers.
Among Tomaso Binga solo and group exhibitions, we can mention: Poesia Totale (Palazzo della Ragione, Mantua, 1998); VII International Congress of Art Media (University of Salerno, Salerno, 1999); Biennale di Venezia (Venice, 2001); Autoritratto di un matrimonio (MLAC - Museo Laboratorio, La Sapienza University, Rome, 2005); Fondazione J. Klemm (Buenos Aires, 2006); Viaggio nella parola (Studio Gennai, La Spezia, 2007); Art Action. VI International Festival (Mantua, 2008); Per-formare una collezione (MADRE, Naples, 2013); Anni ‘70/Arte a Roma (Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Rome, 2013); Corpo a Corpo (GNAM - Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Rome, 2017); Televisionario. Francesco Vezzoli guarda la RAI (Fondazione Prada, Milan, 2017); Corporale (Erica Ravenna, Rome, 2017); Tomaso Binga: A Silenced Victory (Mimosa House, London, 2019); Chi ha paura del disegno? Opere su carta del '900 dalla Collezione Ramo (Museo del Novecento, Milan, 2019); Doing Deculturalization (Museion, Bolzano, 2019); Il soggetto imprevisto. 1978 Arte e femminismo in Italia (Frigoriferi Milanesi, Milan, 2019); Biennale di Venezia (Venice, 2022); Vita Nuova. New challenges for art in Italy. 1960-1975 (MAMAC, Nice, 2022).

Vincenzo Agnetti Tomaso Binga Antonio Calderara Enrico Castellani Marcel Duchamp Piero Manzoni Fausto Melotti Eva Sørensen
3 Ottobre 2024 - 8 Dicembre 2024
Alongside several of Agnetti’s works, the exhibition will feature works by Tomaso Binga, Antonio Calderara, Enrico Castellani, Marcel Duchamp, Piero Manzoni, Fausto Melotti and Eva Sørensen; artists to whom the author dedicated a series of “critical interventions” which, as stated by the editor of the volume, generated a “kind of creative mirroring”.
These “spontaneous interventions for some friends”, as Agnetti himself defined them, reveal the deep intellectual and creative harmony between his work and that of these other artists who shared their aspirations and a new vision of art, during a significant historical and cultural period between the late fifties and the seventies.
Vincenzo Agnetti, Tomaso Binga
Thursday 12th March 2024- Monday 15th July 2024
Starting from the 1960s, these two artists favoured the use of the word as an expressive medium of “that process of transformation, by means of which thoughts, experiences and life itself can become artistic operations”. In their work, there are many similarities and points of contact, including the use of poetry and performative practices, the conception of art as an operation of synthesis and above all the dysfunctional use of the machine or mechanical device as a creator of images and of new communicative codes.
Carlo Accardi, Vincenzo Agnetti, Mirella Bentivoglio, Tomaso Binga, Alighiero Boetti, Jannis Kounellis, Gino Marotta, Simona Weller
Monday 29th March 2023- Saturday 15th July 2023
This exhibition is the ongoing continuation of the gallery's intention to explore one of the most interesting themes in the field of contemporary artistic practice: the relationship bet-ween art as communication and possible processes of semiosis (signification in language or literature) within art itself. This kind of contiguity between the linguistic and the iconic sign has been a subject of investigation and experimentation in art from the time of the first twen-tieth century avant-gardes until today.
Tomaso Binga
Tuesday 20th September 2022 – Saturday 10th Dicember 2022
The exhibition aims to deepen the semiological meaning of Tomaso Binga's work, through a “journey” among her visual alphabets. In this way we intend to investigate the meaning of her radical writings, from a critical perspective that highlights the ambivalence between signifier and signified, exploring new horizons of language. Tomaso Binga's desire for this exhibition was therefore to transform the gallery into a large artist's primer
Tomaso Binga e Donatella Spaziani
Tuesday 12th December 2017 - Saturday 17th March 2018
Curated by Laura Cherubini and Erica Ravenna
This exhibition project deepens the theme of the body as subject, focusing on the relation between the works of Tomaso Binga and Donatella Spaziani, two artists from different generations.